Owner of Website
Double O – Creativity Connects
Oliwia Wadhwa
Mohrenstraße 2
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 939 040 54
Mobile: +49 176 103 505 88
Founder and CEO: Oliwia Wadhwa
For own contents of the website the liability is justified in accordance with § 7 I TMG after the general laws. There is no obligation to monitor the content of third parties for illegality; § 8 TMG ff. Content that infringes the rights of third parties and illegal content will be removed immediately after becoming known. Visitors of the website are urgently requested to inform about indications of possible infringements by concrete notification to the above mentioned mail address.
Liability for links
If external links are included in the website, the provider/operator of the linked pages is responsible for their content. At the time of linking, these offers have been checked and no violations of applicable law or infringement of third party rights could be detected. However, continuous monitoring is not possible without concrete evidence of a violation of the law and is also not legally owed. Should such an infringement become known, the link will be removed immediately. Please inform us at the above-mentioned e-mail address if concrete indications are found.
The content and works of the Double O website are in accordance with German copyright law. Reproduction, editing, distribution and utilization require the written consent (i.e. prior approval) of the site owner, unless otherwise defined by German copyright law. The same applies to downloads and copies, which are only permitted for private and non-commercial use. Content to which third parties hold copyrights (e.g. photos; see “Photos” below) is marked accordingly.
If, despite the greatest care in the creation and maintenance of the website a copyright problem is identified, we urgently request that this be specifically reported to the above e-mail address. Content that violates the (copyright) rights of third parties will be removed immediately.
Credits of the photos (photographer/source)
Photos: Peter Stottmeier Advertising, Berlin